why not buy one raspberry pi cell jammer yourself
Admin 2021-09-26If you need WiFi signal blocking equipment with large interference range, please visit our store, you can choose high-quality band jammer products.e must create peaceful conditions for our patients so that they can get a good rest.Therefore, for hospitals, it is also necessary to shield the mobile phone signal first, that is, to install a desktop cell phone jammer with a fixed long interference distance.But now, because people use mobile phones, not only patient caregivers, but also doctors and nurses sometimes forget to adjust the mode of mobile phones, in fact, in some cases in hospitals, the use of mobile phones is forbidden, because the consequences will be very serious if disturbed.
Let's take an example: if it is assumed that the suspect owns a Verizon mobile device, the glove box will send the wrong signal, which will trick Verizon phones, including those found on the Verizon network, and the plane is the closest available tower for the Verizon signal. Once the handset detects an error signal, they will automatically begin sending their registration information by pinging the device. In fact, even in densely populated areas, dust boxes can collect information on tens of thousands of smartphones. However, Verizon has not confirmed its connection with such programs.
If you want to get a high-quality hospital WiFi interference device in the right place, that is really important, then you will be able to use high-quality high-power jammer products, such as GSM jammers with omnidirectional antennas, it is indeed a This is a great mobile phone signal jammer. After you have a deeper understanding of it, you will see its powerful features. Then you will know that this signal jammer is designed to block CDMA, GSM, DCS, PCS, 3G and 4G Wimax signals simultaneously. And because it is equipped with an omnidirectional antenna, it can prevent the mobile phone signal from interfering in the interference band and between various directions, not just one direction.