there are some reasons for you to buy wlan blocker
Admin 2021-10-10The jammers on the market are mainly divided into cell phone jammers.WiFi Bluetooth jammers, GPS jammers, etc,and the signal blocker achieve the purpose of shielding signals by generating the same frequency band of the signals to be interfered.Many people think that the jammer is just a device that hinders signal transmission. In fact, the jammer has many other uses, and there are many types of jammers.Nowadays, more and more people are suffering from GPS trackers. GPS trackers are small, easy to hide and cheap, and become an illegal tool used by many people to track others and steal others' positions to achieve their goals. It's hard to find these trackers with the naked eye, and we need a device that can stop GPS tracking.
WiFi and Bluetooth are wireless technologies that support the use of the 2.4G band for short-distance data exchange between fixed and mobile devices, such as sending messages and files. However, wireless networks are vulnerable to hackers, including some confidential information and files, personal information accounts and passwords, etc., causing significant losses. At this time, WiFi jammers can help you completely eliminate this potential danger.Since the GPS tracker has 5 signal bands, GPSL1-L5, the GPS signal jammer can emit the same signal as the GPS tracking device, thereby preventing the Wlan Blocker from tracking.
Mobile phone jammers are the most popular signal jamming devices on the market. The main interference frequency bands are our commonly used mobile phone signals, such as CDMA, DCS, PCS, GSM, 3G and 4G signals. If you are very upset about a noisesy mobile phone call or worry about your mobile phone information leaking or being stolen by others, the mobile phone jammer is the best choice.With the development of science and technology, the use of drones has become more widespread. Military experts can use uavs to explore enemy situations to reduce personnel losses, and drone equipment is widely used in the civilian sector. However, with the prevalence of drones, not all drones are registered by personnel.