i must get one rf jammer circuit
Admin 2021-08-04Since the fake base station radio has no location information or line type (telephone company) information, communication cannot be performed even if the fake radio broadcast is received through a mobile phone, so the line was determined to be unavailable and was judged to be "service interrupted" . Rf Jammer Circuit cut off all mobile radio waves, including smartphones, because Wi-Fi and Bluetooth cannot pass, making communication almost impossible. The mobile jammer did not block, but issued a "pseudo base station radio wave", forcing the mobile phone out of range.
Is there any way to block GPS radio waves? Where GPS signals are unreachable or difficult to reach, the location information will be checked against the base station of the mobile phone operator. In this case, the location information will be relevant, but you will know where you are right now. In order to completely disable the GPS signal, the mobile phone must be stopped, that is, using a cell phone jammer. The radio waves emitted by mobile phone signal interference products are very weak and are within the range of weak radio waves as defined in the Radio Law.
When using a Rf Jammer Circuit, even if the smartphone or mobile phone is turned on, simply placing it on the porch will block the communication function. It is an interception device used to prevent car positioning, when you turn off the device, you can turn off the radio waves. Radio jammers eliminate the need to switch modes in public places such as hospitals, cinemas and trains. Since it is not a radio station in the telecommunications business, there are no legal issues or grayscale issues. Since GPS radio waves are very weak, even such weak radio waves can be disturbed.