Product Description:
The high power cell phone jammer can block GSM,3G and 4G signals with a radius up to 50 meters which can be used in the classroom,church,home,theater,prison,meeting room or any other places where cell phone are not supposed to use.In addition,it also supports WiFi,GPS signals which you can choose in the configurations.Jamming WiFi,GPS signals can protect you from GPS tracking and indoor tracking.And you can choose the remote controls(315,433MHz) or the LoJack,VHF,UHF frequencies.
Powerful output
Widest frequency range with 8 bands
Large jamming radius up to 50 meters (depending on the signal strength in the given area)
Can work 24 hours continuously with black aluminum shell
Frequencies Supported:
GSM :930-960MHz
4G LTE (725-770 MHz) or 4G Wimax (2500-2700 MHz) or 4G (2300-2400MHz)
315 MHz and 433 MHz
Lojack,VHF (135-174 MHz) and UHF (400-470MHz)
GPS (1570-1580MHz) and WIFI 2.4G (2400-2500MHz)
Transmit Power:19W
Operating Range: radius up to 50 meters (depending on the signal strength in the given area)
Power supply: AC power adapter
Packing Weight:3.2kg
Dimensions :140x51x350 mm
Please note that this jammer can only jam up to 8 frequencies at the same time which depends on what you choose in the configuration.
Product Images:
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