you can buy some radar detector laser jammer
As a matter of fact lots of countries are allowing the usage of cell phone jammers and at the same time banning the GPS ones. If you make a research on internet you will find out that there are many internet stores that can easily sell you Radar Detector Laser Jammer without caring what your intentions are. Keep in mind that if something happens while driving or there is something interfering with the signal of the GPS in your car, there might be a jammer located somewhere around you.If you give this a serious thought you will realize that there are many ways that the GPS jammers can be used in order to have various frauds committed.
In this case the best you can do is to call the authorities and let them know they will take care of the needed things and will arrest the person eventually.As the bottom line I can say that not the GPS jammers you should blame but people and the way they use those devices. In fact, any device can be used in good or bad way. It is only up to you how you will use your gps jammer.Many people are putting their private information at risk willingly. They share it through social networks, with their smartphones and transmit it over the Internet with an unencrypted protocols. That's why we always tell or readers that the safety of their private information is their concern, and no one will be able to protect it, if they won't do at least something for it.
If you think that you have been tracked then you should know that there is a really high probability of this to be true. Since there are lots of ways to track down people you should know that among all those tracking devices available at the market people can spy on you with the help of GPS trackers as the most popular ones. Of course since most people realize that we have the right to protect our privacy there is a legal way to make something in order not to be tracked down. The solution to this problem is called GPS jammer. All those blocking devices can be banned in some countries but this doesn’t mean that they can’t be purchased on internet.