whether you need to get a wifi jammer ebay
In order to meet people's needs, more and more multifunctional adjustable mobile phone jammers have appeared,we provides a variety of blocking equipment for blocking frequency bands.Today, with the development of intelligent technology, more and more people hope to obtain WiFi Jammer Ebay products that block multiple frequency bands at the same time. wifi jammer send electromagnetic waves at a frequency that will be broadcast throughout the area.The radio will cover and suppress the frequency band that receives this wave, thereby blocking the radio from broadcasting another band, making it impossible for the broadcast to correctly distinguish this band.
As we continue to seek more convenience and a higher standard of living, a variety of new technology products continue to appear, and we have witnessed a major change in the invention of digital mobile phone equipment. Privacy is constantly leaking and becoming more transparent. I urgently want a security device that can effectively protect the privacy of our mobile phones.wifi jammer are such devices that can effectively block the mobile phone bands we need to block.At the same time, they are divided into portable and desktop.
In order to avoid these terrible situations, we choose to install WiFi signal blocking equipment.The working radius of this signal interception device can be up to 40m, which depends on the signal strength in a given area.It will not affect other electronic products when working. normal operation.As the saying goes, each room has two sides. The same goes for mobile phones.For example, in a conference room, a telephone call is not only impolite, it is important to influence the meeting, especially at very important times.In exam rooms, mobile phones can be a tool for cheating and can cause problems. At gas stations, the use of mobile phones can even cause an explosion.