where can we buy a homemade mobile jammer?
When I go to the bookstore recently, I get a lot of noise,where can we buy A Homemade Mobile Jammer?
You can try the online jammer store.Allow the central or state government's statutory testing authority to block communications using cell phones. This is to avoid unfair means in the examination process. But the institution conducting the exam will have to use the equipment rented above or rent from a public sector authorized unit rather than owning them. Law enforcement and military personnel use cell phone jammers to restrict and interrupt communications in various situations. Some organizations use cell phone jammer to prevent corporate espionage by blocking communications in sensitive areas. Some people also use portable cell phone jammer to prevent others from using their phones nearby.
I can tell you.Prohibiting the use of mobile phones is probably the easiest way to consider teaching in school, because once we are students, we have banned the use of mobile phone warning experiences. With the development of society, more and more schools have interfered with mobile phones. In class, students playing mobile phones and reading novels are very serious, which will stop the mobile signal. In addition, after an important exam, we will find that the exam will also be open in the main exam to prevent students from cheating electronics, such as mobile phones. No one would deny that the phone should stop during school exams. . Children use their phones as a tool for cheating on exams. To avoid cheating, A Homemade Mobile Jammer are a great way to make calls or send messages.