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If the prospect of a cell phone jammer sweeps your imagination off to the secret machinations of an evil Bond villain plotting away in his lair, you’re not alone. That’s why you guessed it it is illegal to sell, advertise, distribute, or operate cell signal booster jammers in the United States, as well as much of the world.In addition to public safety concerns, radio frequencies are legally protected by The Communications Act of 1934, which outlaws interference with authorized radio broadcasts.Proponents of such technology argue that signal jammer devices are necessary in many of the places where humans just can’t seem to observe the widely accepted rules of proper cell phone etiquette.

Think schools, theaters, vehicles, or an otherwise quiet train ride… pretty much any venue where talking, texting, streaming and the like might be deemed disruptive or even dangerous.Keep in mind, a mobile signal jammer will not only block voice and text on your phone, it also interferes with GPS, WiFi, and probably most problematic of all police radar. That’s why, as mentioned above, the Federal Government has banned the sale, promotion, and use of cell phone signal jammers in the US. So if you were envisioning a little peace and quiet, courtesy of a shiny new signal blocker, you might just have to settle for ear plugs.

Unfortunately, yes, a mobile signal jammer will interfere with your signal booster. Signal boosters work by amplifying an existing signal, but if that cellular signal is blocked, it doesn’t matter how strong it is — the signal jammer will run interference.While cell phone signal amplifiers are an excellent tool for strengthening reception in rural areas, on the road, or when building materials get in the way, they are not yet an effective defense against cell phone signal jammers. As it stands, any WiFi Jammer Ebay is also a signal booster jammer.