i think you should buy some cell phone gps blocker
The GPS system is becoming more and more practical in our daily life, and it is very helpful to us.The GPS system is free, open, and reliable.At this time,GPS jammers were created.GPS jammer, also known as GPS signal blocker, is an electronic device used to shield the GPS frequency band so that all GPS devices in the interference range cannot work.It has led to the development of hundreds of applications that affect all aspects of modern life.It is simple to install, easy to operate, easy to use, and will not harm your GPS device.Once you turn it off, all GPS devices will start working again.
There are many types of GPS jammers in our store. Some are portable jammers that can be carried around. Some combine GPS, mobile phones, and WiFi interference bands. A portable gps jammer can be placed in your pocket for use anywhere. Professional GPS jammers are bigger and can be used in homes, offices, or some large factories, and can still be used in cars. If you only want to block GPS signals, you can choose a mini GPS jammer, and if you want to block the WiFi signal of your phone at the same time, you can choose a WiFi jammer.
High-power wifi signal blocker is very suitable for people living in EU countries who need high-power multi-function signal blockers. These WiFi Bluetooth signal jammers can not only affect normal mobile phone 2G / 3G / 4G GPS WiFi, but also partially block UHF VHF DCS and other signals to create a quiet environment for people.n fact, wifi Cell Phone GPS Blocker devices have been invented and put into use. At our site, you can learn more about various jammers, including the frequency bands they intercept and the distances they shield.