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The working range of signal jammers is one of the most controversial interference topics on the Internet.Anyway, I think you can find the information you need on the Internet, and in this article I will try to explain why manufacturers say that scope is usually different from scope.Well, for starters, it's worth mentioning that once a signal blocker device is created, it will be tested. Each jammer has a different range of interference than the source of the interference, and if you need to identify one of these fixtures, it is important to understand all aspects of this aspect.
Have all necessary tests, such as battery life, transmission frequency, also reach the test range. It is still believed that the manufacturer is because these cell phone jammer are often tested in open areas for reasons beyond actual scope. When you don't know when buildings and concrete structures are different, the scope is wider. Most of us live in a big city and we are surrounded by tall buildings. That's why you won't be surprised if you can't stop the signal blocking device at a distance of 30 m from the phone signal. There may be many reasons for this.
Of course, there are many different types of signal jammer. If you want to spend a small amount of money on interference equipment, then you can be sure that you have the ability to cover a wide range.Their scope of work is perfect, especially if your main goal is to prevent people in the surrounding area.I think a maximum of 5 meters is enough, especially when you are on a bus and you want people to be quiet for twelve minutes, such a jammer will definitely help you.Of course, if you have a tight budget and don't want to buy expensive equipment, you can buy one of these low-power equipment.