cell phone jammer bypass shielding signal
In today's information age, the development of communication technologies is changing every day. As a unique member of the communications family, mobile communication plays an important role in people's lives and in industrial and agricultural production. Today, let's talk about the shielding of the signal of mobile phones. in conference rooms. The principle of the device, on the other hand, if the mobile phone brings great convenience in people's lives, it also has problems that cannot be ignored. Due to the wide coverage of mobile communication networks, in some cases, the emergence of the network, the use of mobile phones has caused problems, even security risks.
At this point, maybe a cell phone jammer can prove useful. So, do you know what to pay attention to when buying a phone jammer? Obviously, the farther the jammer is from the base station, the lower the field strength and the greater the interference radius, and vice versa. The Cell Phone Jammer Bypass will lose its interference capability if it is very close to the base station. For the Phone Jammer to effectively interfere with the mobile network, it must be ensured that the field strength of the jammer's signal must be much higher than the field strength of the BCH mobile signal in the interference zone. Jammer uses different locations and the effective area of interference.
In general, the closer the base station, the higher the strength of the local BCH field and the smaller the area where the jammer reaches effective interference. In general, the interference radius can only reach 0.5 to 9 m; further from the base station, the BCH field strength is relatively low. Then the radius of the jammer to achieve effective interference is greater, up to ten to tens of meters. . Please understand something when buying a phone jammer Therefore, the strength of the local BCH field should be fully taken into account before using the interference device, and then the location, number and combination of the interference device should be determined according to the size of the interference area.