Cellphone signal disruptor
Mobile phones is a kind of dependence network signal equipments to work properly, with the development of science and technology, intelligent mobile phone popularity streets, become the indispensable tool for people, is not only on the mobile communication, in the life of people is very important in the entertainment. With increase in the number of using it, the exposed problem is increasingly serious, including cell phone radiation, mobile phone noise, harassing phone calls, such as mobile phone security problem, these problems make people's life used to be disrupted.
If you want an attractive product. Then your information security will be vital. I have a security problem. If you have a lot of noise problems with your phone, you need to buy a cell phone signal blocker. It is an effective product to prevent signal transmission to and from nearby base stations. I think mobile phone signals are very difficult to deal with sawtooth waves with large frequency bands.
With these problem increasingly prominent, more and more of the cell phone bans, to solve the problem of mobile phone use relative from the perspective of subjective distress, because the mobile phone has been into people's lives, almost hard to leave them. As a result, mandatory measures are used in most places, and cell phone jammer are the best solution.
Cell phone radiation affects people's physical health, which is the main factor in many places using cell phone blockers. The maximum electromagnetic radiation released by the contact of mobile phone is the maximum in the mobile phone radiation peak, Europe is 2.0SAR and the us is 1.6SAR.To solve the problem of cell phone use, we need to start with the root cause, since their use requires signals to crush the type of signal they need. Cellphone signal disruptor is also the main tool to ban mobile phone use in schools, prisons, courts and so on.

12 Bands High Power Mobile Phone Jammer 433 315 UHF VHF LoJack Disruptor Blocker
As a owns 12 antenna desktop signal jammer, it can almost all common type of signal, GPS GSM 3G 4G WIFI UHF VHF LOJACK 433 MHz, 315 MHz is the, it may interfere with its radius of the interference of high power output to make it up to 70 meters, you buy this kind of high power jammers almost don't have to worry about any equipment signal may invade your privacy.